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[fit] Driving Design through Examples

[fit] Ciaran McNulty at London BDD Meetup

Modelling by Example

Combining BDD and DDD concepts

Behaviour Driven Development

BDD is the art of using examples in conversations to illustrate behaviour -- Liz Keogh

Why Examples?

Requirements as Rules

We are starting a new budget airline flying between London and Manchester

  • Travellers can collect 1 point for every £1 they spend on flights
  • 100 points can be redeemed for £10 off a future flight
  • Flights are taxed at 20%

Rules are Ambiguous


  • When redeeming points do I still earn points?
  • Can I redeem more than 100 points on one flight?
  • Does tax apply to the discounted fare or the full fare?

Examples are Unambiguous


If a flight from London to Manchester costs £50:

  • If you pay cash it will cost £50 + £10 tax, and you will earn 50 new points
  • If you pay entirely with points it will cost 500 points + £10 tax and you will earn 0 new points
  • If you pay with 100 points it will cost 100 points + £40 + £10 tax and you will earn 0 new points

Examples are Objectively Testable


A formal language for examples

Feature: Earning and spending points on flights

    - Travellers can collect 1 point for every £1 they spend on flights
    - 100 points can be redeemed for £10 off a future flight

  Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
    Given ...

  Scenario: Redeeming points for a discount on a flight
    Given ...

  Scenario: Paying for a flight entirely using points
    Given ...

Gherkin steps

  • Given sets up context for a behaviour
  • When specifies some action
  • Then specifies some outcome

Action + Outcome = Behaviour

Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
  Given a flight costs £50
  When I pay with cash
  Then I should pay £50 for the flight
  And I should pay £10 tax
  And I should get 50 points

Scenario: Redeeming points for a discount on a flight
  Given a flight costs £50
  When I pay with cash plus 100 points
  Then I should pay £40 for the flight
  And I should pay £10 tax
  And I should pay 100 points

Scenario: Paying for a flight entirely using points
  Given a flight costs £50
  When I pay with points only
  Then I should pay £0 for the flight
  And I should pay £10 tax
  And I should pay 500 points

Who writes examples?

Business expert Testing expert Development expert

All discussing the feature together

When to write scenarios

  • Before you start work on the feature
  • Not too long before!
  • Whenever you have access to the right people

Refining scenarios

  • When would this outcome not be true?
  • What other outcomes are there?
  • But what would happen if...?
  • Does this implementation detail matter?

Scenarios are not Contracts


  • Create a shared understanding of a feature
  • Give a starting definition of done
  • Provide an objective indication of how to test a feature

Domain Driven Design

DDD tackles complexity by focusing the team's attention on knowledge of the domain -- Eric Evans

[fit] Invest time in

[fit] understanding

[fit] the business

Ubiquitous Language

  • A shared way of speaking about domain concepts
  • Reduces the cost of translation when business and development communicate
  • Try to establish and use terms the business will understand

Modelling by Example

By embedding Ubiquitous Language in your scenarios, your scenarios naturally become your domain model -- Konstantin Kudryashov (@everzet)


  • The best way to understand the domain is by discussing examples
  • Write scenarios that capture ubiquitous language
  • Write scenarios that illustrate real situations
  • Directly drive the code model from those examples

Directly driving code with Behat?

Layered architecture

inline fit

UI testing with Behat

inline fit

UI tests

  • Slow to execute
  • Brittle
  • Don't let you think about the code

Test the domain first

inline fit

Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
  Given a flight costs £50
  When I pay with cash
  Then I should pay £50 for the flight
  And I should pay £10 tax
  And I should get 50 points

Scenario: Redeeming points for a discount on a flight
  Given a flight costs £50
  When I pay with cash plus 100 points
  Then I should pay £40 for the flight
  And I should pay £10 tax
  And I should pay 100 points

Scenario: Paying for a flight entirely using points
  Given a flight costs £50
  When I pay with points only
  Then I should pay £0 for the flight
  And I should pay £10 tax
  And I should pay 500 points

Add realistic details

  Given a flight from "London" to "Manchester" costs £50

Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
  When I fly from "London" to "Manchester"
  And I pay with cash
  Then I should pay £50 for the flight
  And I should pay £10 tax
  And I should get 50 points

Actively seek terms from the domain

  • What words do you use to talk about these things?
  • Points? Paying? Cash Fly?
  • Is the cost really attached to a flight?
  • Do you call this thing "tax"?
  • How do you think about these things?

Get good at listening

    Given a flight "XX-100" flies the "LHR" to "MAN" route
    And the current listed fare for the "LHR" to "MAN" route is £50

  Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
    When I am issued a ticket on flight "XX-100"
    And I pay £50 cash for the ticket
    Then the ticket should be completely paid
    And the ticket should be worth 50 loyalty points

Lessons from the conversation

  • Price belongs to a Fare for a specific Route
  • Flight is independently assigned to a Route
  • Some sort of fare listing system controls Fares
  • I get quoted a cost at the point I purchase a ticket

This is really useful to know!

Driving the domain model with Behat

Configure a Behat suite

            contexts: [ FlightsContext ]

Create a context

class FlightsContext implements Context
     * @Given a flight :arg1 flies the :arg2 to :arg3 route
    public function aFlightFliesTheRoute($arg1, $arg2, $arg3)
        throw new PendingException();

    // ...

Run Behat

inline fit

Model values as Value Objects

class FlightsContext implements Context
     * @Given a flight :flightnumber flies the :origin to :destination route
    public function aFlightFliesTheRoute($flightnumber, $origin, $destination)
        $this->flight = new Flight(

    // ...


 * @Transform :flightnumber
public function transformFlightNumber($number)
    return FlightNumber::fromString($number);

 * @Transform :origin
 * @Transform :destination
public function transformAirport($code)
    return Airport::fromCode($code);

 * @Given a flight :flightnumber flies the :origin to :destination route
public function aFlightFliesTheRoute(
    FlightNumber $flightnumber,
    Airport $origin,
    Airport $destination
    $this->flight = new Flight(
        $flightnumber, Route::between($origin, $destination)

> vendor/bin/behat
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Flight' not found 

Describe objects with PhpSpec

class AirportSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function it_can_be_represented_as_a_string()

    function it_cannot_be_created_with_invalid_code()

class Airport
    private $code;

    private function __construct($code)
        if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z]{3}$/', $code)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Code is not valid');

        $this->code = $code;

    public static function fromCode($code)
        return new Airport($code);

    public function asCode()
        return $this->code;

inline fit

 * @Given the current listed fare for the :arg1 to :arg2 route is £:arg3
public function theCurrentListedFareForTheToRouteIsPs($arg1, $arg2, $arg3)
    throw new PendingException();

[fit] Model boundaries

[fit] with Interfaces

interface FareList
    public function listFare(Route $route, Fare $fare);

Create in-memory versions for testing

namespace Fake;

class FareList implements \FareList
    private $fares = [];

    public function listFare(\Route $route, \Fare $fare)
        $this->fares[$route->asString()] = $fare;

 * @Given the current listed fare for the :origin to :destination route is £:fare
public function theCurrentListedFareForTheToRouteIsPs(
    Airport $origin,
    Airport $destination,
    Fare $fare
    $this->fareList = new Fake\FareList();
        Route::between($origin, $destination),

Run Behat

inline fit

 * @When Iam issued a ticket on flight :arg1
public function iAmIssuedATicketOnFlight($arg1)
    throw new PendingException();

 * @When I am issued a ticket on flight :flight
public function iAmIssuedATicketOnFlight()
    $ticketIssuer = new TicketIssuer($this->fareList);
    $this->ticket = $ticketIssuer->issueOn($this->flight);

> vendor/bin/behat
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'TicketIssuer' not found 

class TicketIssuerSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function it_can_issue_a_ticket_for_a_flight(\Flight $flight)

class TicketIssuer
    public function issueOn(Flight $flight)
        return Ticket::costing(Fare::fromString('10000.00'));

Run Behat

inline fit

 * @When I pay £:fare cash for the ticket
public function iPayPsCashForTheTicket(Fare $fare)

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method Ticket::pay()

class TicketSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function it_can_be_paid()

class Ticket
    public function pay(Fare $fare)

Run Behat

inline fit

[fit] The model will be

[fit] anaemic

[fit] Until you get to Then

 * @Then the ticket should be completely paid
public function theTicketShouldBeCompletelyPaid()
    throw new PendingException();

 * @Then the ticket should be completely paid
public function theTicketShouldBeCompletelyPaid()
    assert($this->ticket->isCompletelyPaid() == true);

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method Ticket::isCompletelyPaid()

class TicketSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function let()

    function it_is_not_completely_paid_initially()

    function it_can_be_paid_completely()


class Ticket
    private $fare;

    // ...

    public function pay(Fare $fare)
        $this->fare = $this->fare->deduct($fare);

    public function isCompletelyPaid()
        return $this->fare->isZero();

class FareSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function let()

    function it_can_deduct_an_amount()

class Fare
    private $pence;

    private function __construct($pence)
        $this->pence = $pence;

    // ...

    public function deduct(Fare $amount)
        return new Fare($this->pence - $amount->pence);

class FareSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    // ...

    function it_knows_when_it_is_zero()

    function it_is_not_zero_when_it_has_a_value()

class Fare
    private $pence;

    private function __construct($pence)
        $this->pence = $pence;

    // ...

    public function isZero()
        return $this->pence == 0;

Run Behat

inline fit

class TicketIssuerSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function it_issues_a_ticket_with_the_correct_fare(\FareList $fareList)
        $route = Route::between(Airport::fromCode('LHR'), Airport::fromCode('MAN'));
        $flight = new Flight(FlightNumber::fromString('XX001'), $route);




class TicketIssuer
    private $fareList;

    public function __construct(FareList $fareList)
        $this->fareList = $fareList;

    public function issueOn(Flight $flight)
       return Ticket::costing($this->fareList->findFareFor($flight->getRoute()));

interface FareList
    public function listFare(Route $route, Fare $fare);

    public function findFareFor(Route $route);

class FareList implements \FareList
    private $fares = [];

    public function listFare(\Route $route, \Fare $fare)
        $this->fares[$route->asString()] = $fare;

    public function findFareFor(\Route $route)
        return $this->fares[$route->asString()];

Run Behat

inline fit

 * @Then I the ticket should be worth :points loyalty points
public function iTheTicketShouldBeWorthLoyaltyPoints(Points $points)
    assert($this->ticket->getPoints() == $points);

class FareSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function let()

    // ...

    function it_calculates_points()

class TicketSpec extends ObjectBehavior
    function let()

    // ...

    function it_gets_points_from_original_fare()


class Ticket
    private $revenueFare;
    private $fare;

    private function __construct(Fare $fare)
        $this->revenueFare = $fare;
        $this->fare = $fare;

    // ...

    public function getPoints()
        return $this->revenueFare->getPoints();

Run Behat

inline fit

Where is our domain model?

Feature: Earning and spending points on flights

  - Travellers can collect 1 point for every £1 they spend on flights
  - 100 points can be redeemed for £10 off a future flight

    Given a flight "XX-100" flies the "LHR" to "MAN" route
    And the current listed fare for the "LHR" to "MAN" route is £50

  Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
    When I am issued a ticket on flight "XX-100"
    And I pay £50 cash for the ticket
    Then the ticket should be completely paid
    And I the ticket should be worth 50 loyalty points

> bin/phpspec run -f pretty


  10  ✔ can be represented as a string
  16  ✔ cannot be created with invalid code


  15  ✔ can deduct an amount
  20  ✔ knows when it is zero
  26  ✔ is not zero when it has a value
  31  ✔ calculates points


  10  ✔ can be represented as a string


  13  ✔ exposes route


  10  ✔ is constructed from string


  12  ✔ has a string representation


  16  ✔ issues a ticket with the correct fare


  15  ✔ is not completely paid initially
  20  ✔ is not paid completely if it is partly paid
  27  ✔ can be paid completely
  34  ✔ gets points from original fare

UI Testing

With the domain already modelled

  • UI tests do not have to be comprehensive
  • Can focus on intractions and UX
  • Actual UI code is easier to write!

            contexts: [ FlightsContext ]
            contexts: [ WebFlightsContext ]
            filters: { tags: @ui }

Feature: Earning and spending points on flights

Scenario: Earning points when paying cash Given ...

@ui Scenario: Redeeming points for a discount on a flight Given ...

Scenario: Paying for a flight entirely using points Given ...

Modelling by Example

  • Focuses attention on use cases
  • Helps developers understand core business domains
  • Encourages layered architecture
  • Speeds up test suites

Use it when

  • Project is core to your business
  • You are likely to support business changes in future
  • You can have conversations with stakeholders

Do not use when...

  • Not core to the business
  • Prototype or short-term project
  • It can be thrown away when the business changes
  • You have no access to business experts (but try and change this)

Thank you!

  • @ciaranmcnulty
  • Lead Maintainer of PhpSpec
  • Senior Trainer at: Inviqa / Sensio Labs UK / Session Digital / iKOS
