Welcome to Bebez-Overflow! We're a Stackoverflow clone CRUD app that was built using Sinatra, AJAX, jQuery, and Twitter Bootstrap.
##Current Features:
- User can create an account
- User can login/logout
- User can post questions
- Users can answer another user's questions
- Users can comment on both questions and answers.
- The user who posted a question can declare one of the user-submitted answers to be the best answer.
- Users can upvote and downvote questions, answers, and comments—only one vote per user for each question, answer, and comment.
- Users cannot add a question, answer, or comment or vote unless they're logged in, but they can view all of the above when logged out.
- The user who posted the question can sort answers with the answer selected as the best answer first, followed by the most highly voted.
- User can see their Bebez-Overflow activity in their user dashboard (questions asked, questions answered, contributed comments).
- Sinatra
- ActiveRecord
- SQLite3
- jQuery
- Twitter Bootstrap