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(392) 0x01. C - Graphs

Specializations > System programming & Algorithm > Data structures and Algorithms

Project author

Alexandre Gautier

Assignment dates

04-05-2021 to 04-15-2021


Introduction to Graph Theory: what are vertices and edges, different types of graphs (directed, weighted, etc.), the most common ways of representing graphs in C, and DFS versus BFS traversal.

Provided file(s)

Mandatory Tasks

✅ 0. Create graph

Write a function that allocates memory to store a graph_t structure, and initializes its content.

  • Prototype: graph_t *graph_create(void);
  • Your function must return a pointer to the allocated structure, or NULL on failure

File(s): 0-graph_create.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic 0-main.c 0-graph_create.c -o 0-graph_create

✅ 1. Add a vertex

Write a function that adds a vertex to an existing graph

  • Prototype: vertex_t *graph_add_vertex(graph_t *graph, const char *str);
  • Where graph is a pointer to the graph to add the vertex to, and str is the string to store in the new vertex
  • Your function must return a pointer to the created vertex, or NULL on failure
  • The vertex must store a copy of the string str
  • If a vertex in graph already stores the string str, your function must fail, and there must be no leak

File(s): 1-graph_add_vertex.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic 1-main.c 0-graph_create.c 1-graph_add_vertex.c graph_display.c -o 1-graph_add_vertex

✅ 2. Add an edge

Write a function that adds an edge between two vertices to an existing graph

  • Prototype: int graph_add_edge(graph_t *graph, const char *src, const char *dest, edge_type_t type);
  • Where:
    • graph is a pointer to the graph to add the edge to
    • src is the string identifying the vertex to make the connection from
    • dest is the string identifying the vertex to connect to
    • type is the type of edge
      • UNIDIRECTIONAL: Only one edge is created connecting src to dest
      • BIDIRECTIONAL: Two edges are created, connecting src to dest AND dest to src.
  • Your function must return 1 on success, or 0 on failure. On failure, no edge must have be created, and there must be no memory leak.
  • If either src or dest are not found in any vertex of graph, your function must fail, and there must be no leak

File(s): 2-graph_add_edge.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic 2-main.c 0-graph_create.c 1-graph_add_vertex.c 2-graph_add_edge.c graph_display.c -o 2-graph_add_edge

✅ 3. Delete graph

Write a function that completely deletes a graph

  • Prototype: void graph_delete(graph_t *graph);
  • Your function must delete all the vertices and edges of the graph, and the graph itself

File(s): 3-graph_delete.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic 3-main.c 0-graph_create.c 1-graph_add_vertex.c 2-graph_add_edge.c 3-graph_delete.c graph_display.c -o 3-graph_delete

✅ 4. Depth-first traversal

Write a function that goes through a graph using the depth-first algorithm.

  • Prototype: size_t depth_first_traverse(const graph_t *graph, void (*action)(const vertex_t *v, size_t depth));
  • Where:
    • graph is a pointer to the graph to traverse. The traversal must start from the first vertex in the vertices list.
    • action is a pointer to a function to be called for each visited vertex, its parameters are:
      • v -> A const pointer to the visited vertex
      • depth -> The depth of v, from the starting vertex
  • Your function must return the biggest vertex depth (See example), or 0 on failure

File(s): 4-depth_first_traverse.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic 4-main.c 0-graph_create.c 1-graph_add_vertex.c 2-graph_add_edge.c 3-graph_delete.c 4-depth_first_traverse.c graph_display.c -o 4-depth_first_traverse

✅ 5. Breadth-first traversal

Write a function that goes through a graph using the breadth-first algorithm.

  • Prototype: size_t breadth_first_traverse(const graph_t *graph, void (*action)(const vertex_t *v, size_t depth));
  • Where:
    • graph is a pointer to the graph to traverse. The traversal must start from the first vertex in the vertices list.
    • action is a pointer to a function to be called for each visited vertex, its parameters are:
      • v -> A const pointer to the visited vertex
      • depth -> The depth of v, fron the starting vertex
  • Your function must return the biggest vertex depth (See example), or 0 on failure

File(s): 5-breadth_first_traverse.c
Compiled: gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic 5-main.c 0-graph_create.c 1-graph_add_vertex.c 2-graph_add_edge.c 3-graph_delete.c 5-breadth_first_traverse.c graph_display.c -o 5-breadth_first_traverse
