Thank you for your interest in contributing to AIF360! Please read the document
below for an overview of the contribution process and different ways you may be
able to contribute. If you have a question not covered here, please check
GitHub or #aif360-developers
on Slack first.
Only maintainers with write access are able to create branches in the main
repository. All other contributors must create a fork of the repository from their
personal GitHub account and make a
pull request back upstream.
See the GitHub docs for instructions on how to
Fork a repo.
Running git remote -v
should look like this:
origin<username>/AIF360.git (fetch) origin<username>/AIF360.git (push) upstream (fetch) upstream (push)
Then, you may install the local version of AIF360 as editable so you can test changes you make without reinstalling by navigating to the project root and running:
pip install -e '.[all]'
If you are using the "original" (not scikit-learn compatible) API, you may also
want to download the datasets for testing. Instructions can be found in the
Issues should be created for bugs or feature suggestions. For general usage questions, please try Slack. In most cases, a pull request should close one or more issues. If no issue exists, feel free to create an issue and corresponding PR at the same time. If you see an open issue you wish to contribute to, please leave a comment asking to be assigned to it so others know it is being worked on.
Bug reports should be accompanied by a trace showing the error message along with a short example reproducing the issue. If you are able to diagnose the problem and suggest a fix that is especially helpful. If you're willing to implement the change and submit a PR that is best!
If you're interested in contributing but don't know where to start, try filtering
the issues by tag: "good first issue"
, "help wanted"
"contribution welcome"
, or "easy"
Changes to documentation only (e.g., clarifying descriptions, improving the user guide) should be discussed in an issue first. A PR which fixes obvious typos does not require a corresponding issue.
All new functions or classes should include a docstring specifying inputs and outputs and their respective types, a short (and optionally, long) description, and an example snippet, if non-obvious. AIF360 uses Google-style docstrings.
To generate the documentation using Sphinx, you will first need to install the
extras if you have not already (e.g., via pip install -e '.[all]'
Then, run:
make html
from the docs/
directory and review the resulting html files in
. In particular, make sure any new
pages are rendered properly, have no broken links, and match existing pages in
thoroughness and style.
We would like to create a full user guide explaining the capabilities of AIF360 similar to scikit-learn If you wish to contribute to this, please reach out here.
Any comments or suggestions regarding the AIF360 homepage may be posted to GitHub as well. This content may eventually be merged with the rest of the documentation.
All new algorithms or metrics should be accompanied by an example notebook
demonstrating a typical use case or reproducing experiments from the paper. The
notebook should contain text explaining major steps (assume an educated but not
expert audience). Results should be reliable and ideally reproducible via random
seed and demonstrate a clear advantage. This should be more involved than unit
tests and may require increased computational time. Datasets should be easy to
load from the notebook without manually downloading and extracting from a link, if
possible, and the license and any terms should be clearly presented. If the
dataset may be of general use to the community, consider contributing a script for
as well. Finally, keep the code simple -- if using a
popular external library instead of writing custom functions is cleaner, go ahead
(just remember to add it to the notebook requirements in
) -- but
Examples should be placed in the examples/
or examples/sklearn/
depending on if they apply to the original or scikit-learn compatible API,
respectively. They should be named as demo_<class_name>.ipynb
according to the
feature they demonstrate.
Tests should be fast (< 15s) and deterministic but avoid overfitting to a random seed. If the assertion result is not obvious, a comment should explain how it was calculated. Remember: these tests exist to catch implementation mistakes, test edge/corner cases, check expected error cases, validate inputs/outputs with other parts of the toolkit, etc. -- example notebooks should demonstrate efficacy and real-life use cases.
Tests are run with pytest
pytest tests/
See How to invoke pytest for advanced usage.
Coverage for new code should exceed 80%. This can be checked using
pytest tests/ --cov=aif360
Tests live in the tests/
or tests/sklearn/
directory (not with the
source files) depending on the version of interface they target.
containts fixtures that may be used by any test within that directory (see the
pytest docs
for details).
AIF360 does not host datasets directly in the repository. If you wish to contribute a data loading script which downloads and caches a dataset automatically, please ensure that the license is permissive (not copyleft) and any terms are clearly presented to the user before downloading.
New feature contributions will likely involve multiple of the sections above. For example, a new algorithm will require an issue, documentation, an example notebook, unit tests, and possibly a dataset. Please review this section and the PR checklist so your code can be merged in a timely manner.
New feature requests should be already studied in a scientific paper. Ideally, these should be peer-reviewed (or under review) and open-access (or provide a public link). A link to the paper should be added to the docstring under the "References:" section and probably in the example notebook as well.
Try to conform to the scikit-learn guidelines on developing estimators. Also, see the :ref:`Getting Started <sklearn-api>` page for examples of when this style may be broken. If your case does not fit any existing examples, please start a discussion on the issue or PR.
For deep learning algorithms, please use PyTorch (or alternatively, TensorFlow) unless there is a good reason not to.
Also, don't forget to add an import for your class/function to the submodule's
so top-level functions/classes can be imported from the submodule
directly. Avoid import *
, whenever possible.
Remember to remove unnecessary imports, print statements, and commented code. If any code is copy-pasted from somewhere else, make sure to attribute the source. All added files should be human-readable (no binary files) except example notebooks/images. Any necessary pre-trained models or data should be downloaded from a (trusted) external source.
Please be descriptive when creating a PR but also remember that the code should speak for itself -- it should be readable with good commenting and documentation. The description should explain the high-level changes, reference the inciting issue, mention the license of any new libraries/datasets, and note any compatibility issues that might arise. This is also a place to leave questions for discussion with the reviewer.
For larger contributions, it may be useful to create a draft PR containing work-in-progress. In this case, please specify if you want feedback from the maintainers since by default they will only review PRs which are marked ready for review and have no merge issues.
Pull requests contributing new features (e.g., metrics, algorithms) must include unit tests. If an existing test is failing, the fix does not require any new tests but a bug not caught by any test should have a new test submitted along with the fix.
New features should also be accompanied by an example notebook.
Also remember to add a line to the corresponding .rst file in docs/source/modules/
so an autosummary will be generated and displayed in the
A PR should close at least one relevant issue. If no issue exists yet, just submit the issue and PR at the same time. PRs and issues may be linked by using closing keywords in the description or via the sidebar on the right.
Feel free to assign a maintainer to review the changes if they
are the last significant contributor to the relevant code. For new code, you may
tag @hoffmansc
or @nrkarthikeyan
. If there is no response for more than 7
days, please politely remind the reviewer.
This repository requires a Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1 signoff on every commit. A DCO provides your assurance to the community that you wrote the code you are contributing or have the right to pass on the code that you are contributing. It is generally used in place of a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). You can easily signoff a commit by using the -s or --signoff flag:
git commit -s -m 'This is my commit message'
If you are using the web interface, this should happen automatically. If you've already made a commit, you can fix it by amending the commit and force-pushing the change:
git commit --amend --no-edit --signoff git push -f
This will only amend your most recent commit and will not affect the message. If there are multiple commits that need fixing, you can try:
git rebase --signoff HEAD~<n> git push -f
where <n> is the number of commits missing signoffs.
Merging a pull request requires approval by at least one reviewer with write access to the repository. There are also various automated checks which are run including the DCO bot, LGTM analysis, and Continuous Integration tests run through GitHub Actions. Before submitting a PR or marking it as ready for review, please ensure tests and documentation building run locally. If you don't know how to fix an error, you can mark the PR as a draft and ask for help.
First-time contributors require approval to run workflows with GitHub actions. CI should run unit tests for both Python and R for all supported versions as well as print linter warnings. See ci.yml for the latest build script.
The maintainers with write access are listed below in alphabetical order:
- Michael Hind (michaelhind)
- Samuel Hoffman (hoffmansc)
- Anupama Murthi (anupamamurthi)
- Manish Nagireddy (mnagired)
- Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy (nrkarthikeyan)
- Stacey Ronaghan (srnghn)
- Animesh Singh (animeshsingh)
- Saishruthi Swaminathan (SSaishruthi)
- Gabriela de Queiroz (gdequeiroz)
Discuss toolkit questions, fairness topics, and connect with the community on Slack!
We host a semi-regular meeting to bring the community together and provide a place
to discuss, plan, and learn. Meetings usually consist of a short talk on a
fairness topic, review of changes made in the last month, and open discussion on
the future roadmap for the next month and beyond. Connect on Slack in the
channel to get notified about the next bee.