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EF Core Community Standup: Scaffolding with Handlebars Templates

Demos for July 2020 EF Core Community Standup.



Note: When using Visual Studio for simple use cases, the EF Core Power Tools offers a graphical user interface and the ability to directly target a .NET Standard library.

For advanced features, such as Handlebars helpers and transformers, custom template data, nullable reference types and schema folders, it is necessary to use the EF Core CLI, which requires a "tooling" project that is a .NET Core library. You also need to add a ScaffoldingDesignTimeServices class to the tooling project.

Note: Handlebars scaffolding includes additional features not shown in this demo. For details refer to the project ReadMe.

  • Add Handlebars block helpers.
  • Exclude tables from code generation.
  • Add custom template data for use in Handlebars templates.
  • Enable schema folders to place generated entities in folders according to database schemas.
  • Translate table and column descriptions to XML comments.
  • Embed Handlebars templates into a separate assembly.

Many of these features were contributed by members of the community. To submit an issue or pull request, please refer to the project Contributing Guidelines.

1. EF Core Power Tools with Handlbars Templates (C#)

Note: The easiest way to reverse engineer entities from an existing database is to use a Visual Studio extension called the Entity Framework Code Power Tools, which allow you to customize generated code using Handlebars templates.

  1. Create a .NET Standard library project with a .Entities suffix.
    • Because EF Core Power Tools is a Visual Studio extension, you can use it on a .NET Standard Library.
  2. Add a Data Connection to the Server Explorer.
    • Server name: (localdb)\MsSqlLocalDb
    • Select NorthwindSlim database.
  3. Right-click on ScaffoldingHandlebars.Entities project in the Solution Explorer, select EF Core Power Tools, Reverse Engineer.
    • Choose the NorthwindSlim data connection.
    • Select all tables.
    • Check: Customize code using Handlebars templates. efcpt-rev-eng
  4. Modify Handlebars templates to control code generation.
    • Modify the CSharpEntityType/Class.hbs file to derive from EntityBase.
    • Add EntityBase class to the project.
    • Modify CSharpEntityType/Partials/Properties.hbs to change ICollection to List.
    • Update CSharpEntityType/Partials/Constructor.hbs change HashSet to List.
    • Add a parameterless constructor to CSharpDbContext/Partials/Constructor.hbs.
    • Rerun the EF Core Power Tools.

2. EF Core Power Tools with Handlbars Templates (TypeScript)

Note: The EF Core Power Tools also allow you to reverse engineer TypeScript entities from a database and customize them using Handlebars templates.

  1. Create a .NET Standard library project with a .TypeScript suffix.

  2. Right-click on ScaffoldingHandlebars.Entities project in the Solution Explorer, select EF Core Power Tools, Reverse Engineer.

    • Choose the NorthwindSlim data connection.
    • Select all tables.
    • What to generate: Entity Types only
    • Check: Customize code using Handlebars templates.
    • Select TypeScript as the language.


3. EF Core CLI with Handlebars Templates

Note: First we will create a separate .NET Standard .Data project for the generated DbContext class, so that the .Entities project will not require any dependency on EF Core and can be references by interfaces that are ignorant of persistence concerns.

Because the EF Core CLI requires the .NET Core runtime, it is helpful to create a .Tooling .NET Core Library project, which will generate the context and entities in the .NET Standard .Data and .Entities projects.

  1. Install EF Core Global Tool
    dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
    • You may need to update the tools to the latest available version.
    dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef
  2. Delete the CodeTemplates, Contexts and Models folders from the .Entities project.
  3. Create a .NET Standard project with a .Data suffix.
    • This is where the DbContext class will be generated.
    • Reference the .Entities project from the .Data project.
    • Add EF Core SQL Server package.
    dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
  4. Create a .NET Core library project with a .Tooling suffix.
    • The tools need the .NET Core runtime to execute, so a .NET Standard project cannot be used by the tooling.
  5. Reference the .Entities project from the .Tooling project.
  6. Add EF Core Design, Scaffolding.Handlebars packages.
    dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
    dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
    dotnet add package EntityFrameworkCore.Scaffolding.Handlebars
  7. Add a ScaffoldingDesignTimeServices class that implements IDesignTimeServices.
    public class ScaffoldingDesignTimeServices : IDesignTimeServices
        public void ConfigureDesignTimeServices(IServiceCollection services)
  8. Run the dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold command.
    • Make sure you are in the .Tooling project directory.
    • Specify connection string, EF Core SQL Server provider, and target project.
    • DbContext can be generated in the .Data project by specifying the --context-dir argument.
    • Entities can be generated in a separate project by specifying the --project argument and specifying the .Entities project.
    dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB; Initial Catalog=NorthwindSlim; Integrated Security=True" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -o Models -c NorthwindSlimContext --context-dir ../ScaffoldingHandlebars.Data/Contexts --project ../ScaffoldingHandlebars.Entities --force

4. Enable Nullable Reference Types

Note: Handlebars scaffolding supports generation of entities with nullable reference type semantics.

  1. Upgrade both the .Data and .Entities projects to .NET Standard version 2.1.
    • Either edit the .csproj files directory or select Target Framework on the Application tab of the project properties page in Visual Studio.
  2. Enable Nullable for both the .Data and .Entities projects.
    • Either edit the .csproj files directory or select Target Framework on the Build tab of the project properties page in Visual Studio.
  3. Update services.AddHandlebarsScaffolding in ScaffoldingDesignTimeServices in the .Tooling project to enable nullable reference types.
    services.AddHandlebarsScaffolding(options =>
       options.EnableNullableReferenceTypes = true
  4. Run the dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold command.
    • Use the same command as shown above.
    • Notice that optional properties for reference types are set to nullable by appending a ? to the type.
    • Notice that required properties are set using the null forgiving operator, which eliminates compiler warnings.

5. Handlebars Helpers

Note: Handlebars Helpers allow you to inject custom text into generated entities using a C# tuple with a context parameter that includes template data.

  1. Update ScaffoldingDesignTimeServices.ConfigureDesignTimeServices in the .Tooling project by adding a call to services.AddHandlebarsHelpers.
    services.AddHandlebarsHelpers(("my-helper", (writer, context, parameters) =>
       writer.Write($"// My Handlebars Helper: {context["class"]}")
  2. Update CSharpEntityType/Class.hbs to add {{my-helper}}
  3. Run the dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold command from above.
  4. To inspect the context variable, add a breakpoint inside the lambda statement, then add the following line of code in ConfigureDesignTimeServices.
  5. When the scaffolding command is run you will be prompted to select an instance of Visual Studio for attaching the JIT Debugger.
    • When the breakpoint is hit you can inspect the content of the context parameter.

6. Handlebars Transformers

Note: Handlebars Transformers are a lightweight mechanism for transforming entities and their members. For example, this can allow you to change a property from a string to an enum.

In this example we will change the Country property of Employee from string to an enum called Country with values that match data in the Employee and tables.

  1. Add a Country enum to the .Entities project.
    public enum Country
       UK = 1,
       USA = 2
  2. Add a call to services.AddHandlebarsTransformers to ConfigureDesignTimeServices, in which you pass a property transformer.
    services.AddHandlebarsTransformers(propertyTransformer: e =>
       e.PropertyName == nameof(Country)
          ? new EntityPropertyInfo(nameof(Country), nameof(Country), e.PropertyIsNullable)
          : new EntityPropertyInfo(e.PropertyType, e.PropertyName, e.PropertyIsNullable)
  3. To test this add a .NET Core console app with a .ConsoleClient suffix.
    • Add Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer package.
    • Reference both .Data and .Entities projects.
    • Add code to Program.Main for displaying name, city and country for Employees.
    using (var context = new NorthwindSlimContext())
       var employees = context.Employee.Select(e =>
          new { Name = $"{e.FirstName} {e.LastName}", e.City, e.Country });
       foreach (var e in employees)
          Console.WriteLine($"{e.Name} {e.City} {e.Country} ");
    • Press Ctrl+F5 to run the console client.
    • Notice the InvalidCastException converting string to int.
  4. To fix the error add a NorthwindSlimContextPartial.cs file with a partial NorthwindSlimContext class that implements the partial OnModelCreatingPartial method.
    • Specify HasConversion for the Employee.Country property, converting the Country property between string and the Country enum.
    namespace ScaffoldingHandlebars.Entities
       public partial class NorthwindSlimContext
          partial void OnModelCreatingPartial(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
                   .Property(e => e.Country)
                      v => v.ToString(),
                      v => (Country)Enum.Parse(typeof(Country), v));
  5. Re-run the console client. The exception will no longer appear.

7. Full Control: Extend Handlebars Generators

Note: To take full control of context and entity generation, you can extend HbsCSharpDbContextGenerator and HbsCSharpEntityTypeGenerator, overriding select virtual methods. Then register your custom generators in ScaffoldingDesignTimeServices.ConfigureDesignTimeServices.

For example, you may want to add property-isprimarykey to the template data in order to insert some code or a comment.

  1. Add a MyHbsCSharpEntityTypeGenerator to the .Tooling project.
    • Extend HbsCSharpEntityTypeGenerator.
    • Override GenerateProperties.
    • Copy code from the base GenerateProperties method.
    • Add code that inserts property-isprimarykey into the template data.
    protected override void GenerateProperties(IEntityType entityType)
       var properties = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
       foreach (var property in entityType.GetProperties().OrderBy(p => p.GetColumnOrdinal()))
          // Code elided for clarity
          properties.Add(new Dictionary<string, object>
                { "property-type", propertyType },
                { "property-name", property.Name },
                { "property-annotations",  PropertyAnnotationsData },
                { "property-comment", property.GetComment() },
                { "property-isnullable", property.IsNullable },
                { "nullable-reference-types", _options?.Value?.EnableNullableReferenceTypes == true },
                // Add new item to template data
                { "property-isprimarykey", property.IsPrimaryKey() }
       var transformedProperties = EntityTypeTransformationService.TransformProperties(properties);
       // Add to transformed properties
       for (int i = 0; i < transformedProperties.Count ; i++)
          transformedProperties[i].Add("property-isprimarykey", properties[i]["property-isprimarykey"]);
       TemplateData.Add("properties", transformedProperties);
  2. Register MyHbsCSharpEntityTypeGenerator in ScaffoldingDesignTimeServices.ConfigureDesignTimeServices.
    services.AddSingleton<ICSharpEntityTypeGenerator, MyHbsCSharpEntityTypeGenerator>();
  3. Update CSharpEntityType/Partials/Properties.hbs to add property-isprimarykey.
    {{#if property-isprimarykey}} // Primary Key{{/if}}
  4. Run the dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold command from above.