A module for encoding and decoding avro with Kafka.
first things first...
$ npm i @optum/knack-avro
- toAvroBuffer: (data, schema, schemaId)
- get avro encoded buffer from json
- data:
json object to encode - schema:
Object or String
schema to use when encoding the data - schemaId:
schemaId of the schema from the schema registry
- data:
- get avro encoded buffer from json
- fromAvroBuffer: (schema, buffer)
- get json from avro buffer and schema
- schema:
Object or String
overrides all other options - buffer:
avro encoded buffer
- schema:
- get json from avro buffer and schema
const {fromAvroBuffer, toAvroBuffer} = require("@optum/knack-avro");
// can be string or json
const avroSchema = {
type: "record",
name: "messageInfo",
namespace: "io.knack.schemas.avro",
fields: [
name: "content",
type: "string"
name: "channel",
type: ["null", "string"],
default: null
// example message
const messageInfo = {
content: "test content"
// the schemaId of the avroSchema from the schema registry
const schemaId = 123;
// encode messageInfo to Avro buffer
const msgBuffer = toAvroBuffer(messageInfo, avroSchema, schemaId);
// decode msgBuffer to json based on avroSchema
const {value, schemaId} = fromAvroBuffer(avroSchema, msgBuffer);
"content": "test content",
"channel": null
- streams.avscToEsMappings: (avroSchema)
const fsExtra = require("fs-extra");
const {streams} = require("@optum/knack-avro");
const {avscToEsMappings} = streams;
const main = async () => {
const avscPath = "~/path/to/mySchema.avsc";
const outputPath = "~/path/to/outputEsMapping.json";
const avroSchema = await fsExtra.readJson(avscPath);
const content = avscToJsonSchema(avroSchema);
await fsExtra.outputJson(outputPath, content);
- streams.avscToJsonSchema: (avroSchema)
const fsExtra = require("fs-extra");
const {streams} = require("@optum/knack-avro");
const {avscToJsonSchema} = streams;
const main = async () => {
const avscPath = "~/path/to/mySchema.avsc";
const outputPath = "~/path/to/outputJsonSchema.json";
const avroSchema = await fsExtra.readJson(avscPath);
const content = avscToJsonSchema(avroSchema);
await fsExtra.outputJson(outputPath, content);
- streams.jsonSchemaToAvsc: (jsonSchema)
- convert json schema to avro schema
- jsonSchema:
json object representation of avro schema
- jsonSchema:
- convert json schema to avro schema
const fsExtra = require("fs-extra");
const {streams} = require("@optum/knack-avro");
const {jsonSchemaToAvsc} = streams;
const main = async () => {
const jsonSchemaPath = "~/path/to/myJsonSchema.json";
const outputPath = "~/path/to/mySchema.avsc";
const jsonSchema = await fsExtra.readJson(jsonSchemaPath);
const content = jsonSchemaToAvsc(jsonSchema);
await fsExtra.outputJson(outputPath, content);