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Integrate API Connection with your Teams app

wenyt edited this page Dec 12, 2022 · 37 revisions

Teams Toolkit helps you to access existing APIs for building Teams applications. These APIs are developed by your organization or third-party.


Make sure that your project contains backend service, such as Azure Function or Azure bot service.

Steps to add Api Connction

The following steps help you to add API connection using Visual Studio Code: It is recommended to use an alias to distinguish multiple different api connections, the alias will be used in both sample code and env variables.

  1. Step 1: Add SDK to project
  2. Step 2: Provide ApiClient for project
  3. Step 3: Add Configuration for local debugging

Step 1: Add SDK to project

Add a reference to the @microsoft/teamsfx package to package.json.

Step 2: Provide ApiClient for project

Create a module to connect your API, and export the apiClient to provide for the project.

Basic Auth

Sample code for Basic Auth

const teamsfxSdk = require("@microsoft/teamsfx");

// Initialize a new axios instance to call your API
const authProvider = new teamsfxSdk.BasicAuthProvider(
const apiClient = teamsfxSdk.createApiClient(
module.exports.apiClient = apiClient;

Sample code for Certification

const teamsfxSdk = require("@microsoft/teamsfx");

// Initialize a new axios instance to call your API
const authProvider = new teamsfxSdk.CertificateAuthProvider(
  // TODO: 
  // 1. Add code to read your certificate and private key.
  // 2. Replace "<your-cert>" and "<your-private-key>" with your actual certificate and private key values
  // If you have a .pfx certificate, you can use the `createPfxCertOption` function to initialize your certificate
  teamsfxSdk.createPemCertOption("<your-cert>", "<your-private-key>")
const apiClient = teamsfxSdk.createApiClient(
module.exports.apiClient = apiClient;
Azure Active Directory

There are 2 scenarios here, please choose one of them.

  • Scenario 1 is reusing the project AAD app, make sure your project contains an existing AAD app.
  • Scenario 2 is using an existing AAD App.
const teamsfxSdk = require("@microsoft/teamsfx");
// There are 2 scenarios here, please choose one of them. This sample uses the client credential flow to acquire a token for your API.
// Scenario 1. reuse the project AAD app.
const appAuthConfig: AppCredentialAuthConfig = {
  authorityHost: process.env.M365_AUTHORITY_HOST,
  clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
  tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,
// Scenario 2. use an existing AAD App.
const appAuthConfig: AppCredentialAuthConfig = {
  authorityHost: "",
  clientId: process.env.M365_CLIENT_ID,
  tenantId: process.env.M365_TENANT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.M365_CLIENT_SECRET,
const appCredential = new AppCredential(appAuthConfig);
// Initialize a new axios instance to call your API
const authProvider = new teamsfxSdk.BearerTokenAuthProvider(
  // TODO: Replace '<your-api-scope>' with your required API scope
  async () => (await appCredential.getToken("<your-api-scope>")).token
const apiClient= teamsfxSdk.createApiClient(
module.exports.apiClient= apiClient;

Sample code for API Key

const teamsfxSdk = require("@microsoft/teamsfx");

// Initialize a new axios instance to call kudos, store API key in request header.
const authProvider = new teamsfxSdk.ApiKeyProvider(
// or store API key in request params.
const authProvider = new teamsfxSdk.ApiKeyProvider(
const apiClient = teamsfxSdk.createApiClient(
module.exports.apiClient = apiClient;
Custom Auth Implementation

Sample code for Custom Auth Implementation

const teamsfxSdk = require("@microsoft/teamsfx");

// A custom authProvider implements the `AuthProvider` interface.
// This sample authProvider implementation will set a custom property in the request header
class CustomAuthProvider {

  constructor(customProperty, customValue) {
    this.customProperty = customProperty;
    this.customValue = customValue;

  // Replace the sample code with your own logic.
  AddAuthenticationInfo = async (config) => {
    if (!config.headers) {
      config.headers = {};
    config.headers[this.customProperty] = this.customValue;
    return config;

const authProvider = new CustomAuthProvider(
  // You can also add configuration to the file `.env.teamsfx.local` and use `process.env.{setting_name}` to read the configuration. For example:
  //  process.env.TEAMSFX_API_CUSTOM_VALUE
// Initialize a new axios instance to call your API
const apiClient = teamsfxSdk.createApiClient(
module.exports.apiClient = apiClient;

Here is an example for a GET request to "relative_path_of_target_api":

const { apiClient } = require("relative_path_to_this_file");
const response = await apiClient.get("relative_path_of_target_api");
// You only need to enter the relative path for your API.
// For example, if you want to call api https://my-api-endpoint/test and you configured https://my-api-endpoint as the API endpoint,
// your code will be: const response = await kudosClient.get("test");

const responseBody =;

Step 3: Add Configuration for local debugging

Add configuration of your API in teamsfx/script/run.js for local debugging.

Basic Auth

Add your Api connection configuration to teamsfx/script/run.js

const envs = await utils.loadEnv(args[0], args[1]);

// set up environment variables required by teamsfx

Add your Api connection configuration to teamsfx/script/run.js

const envs = await utils.loadEnv(args[0], args[1]);

// set up environment variables required by teamsfx
Azure Active Directory

There are 2 scenarios here, please choose one of them.

  • Scenario 1 is reusing the project AAD app, make sure your project contains an existing AAD app.
  • Scenario 2 is using an existing AAD App.

Add your Api connection configuration to teamsfx/script/run.js

const envs = await utils.loadEnv(args[0], args[1]);
// set up environment variables required by teamsfx
// Scenario 2

Add your Api connection configuration to teamsfx/script/run.js

const envs = await utils.loadEnv(args[0], args[1]);
// set up environment variables required by teamsfx
process.env.TEAMSFX_API_API_KEY =
Custom Auth Implementation

Add your Api connection configuration to teamsfx/script/run.js

const envs = await utils.loadEnv(args[0], args[1]);
// set up environment variables required by teamsfx
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