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Rgb16Color object API

Michael Miller edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 3 revisions

Rgb16Color represents a color object that is represented by Red, Green, Blue component values using a 565 bit encoding with a total of 16 bits used.


There is a property that represent the component values Red, Green, and Blue in a 565 bit encoded value. It is best to use the property accessors to get and set the R, G, and B parts of this value.

uint16_t Color565

There are also a few constant properties that are helpful to use. These are..


The highest value for a single color element.

    const static uint16_t Max = 255;


The number of color elements. Useful when accessing the elements using the [] operators.

    const static size_t Count = 3;


Rgb16Color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) :

Constructs a Rgb16Color using Red, Green, and Blue color component values.

  • r - value of Red component (0 - 255)
  • g - value of Green component (0 - 255)
  • b - value of Blue component (0 - 255)

Rgb16Color(uint8_t brightness)

Constructs a Rgb16Color using a single brightness value(0 - 255). This works well for creating gray tone colors.

  • brightness - brightness value where (0) = black, (128) = gray, (255) = white

Rgb16Color(uint16_t color)

Constructs a Rgb16Color using a single color value encoded in 565 model.

  • color - color encoded in 565 model

Rgb16Color(RgbColor color);

Construct a Rgb16Color using RgbColor, encoding the 8 bit elements into the single 565 16 bit value

  • color - an RgbColor object

Rgb16Color(HtmlColor color);

Construct a Rgb16Color using HtmlColor, converting the Html single value to Rgb component values

  • color - an HtmlColor object

Rgb16Color(HslColor color);

Construct a Rgb16Color using HslColor, converting the Hsl to Rgb

  • color - an HslColor object

Rgb16Color(HsbColor color);

Construct a Rgb16Color using HsbColor, converting the Hsb to Rgb

  • color - an HsbColor object


Construct a Rgb16Color that will have its values set in latter operations.
CAUTION: The Color565 member is not initialized and may not be consistent until set.

Property Accessors

void setR(uint8_t r)

Set the red value, encoding it into the single 16 bit value.

  • r - (0-255)

uint8_t getR()

get the red value, decoding it from the single 16 bit value

void setG(uint8_t g)

Set the green value, encoding it into the single 16 bit value.

  • g - (0-255)

uint8_t getG()

get the green value, decoding it from the single 16 bit value

void setB(uint8_t b)

Set the blue value, encoding it into the single 16 bit value.

  • b - (0-255)

uint8_t getB()

get the blue value, decoding it from the single 16 bit value


uint8_t CalculateBrightness();

CalculateBrightness will calculate the overall brightness.
NOTE: This is a simple linear brightness

Rgb16Color Dim(uint8_t ratio);

Dim will return a new color that is blended to black with the given ratio.
NOTE: This is a simple linear change.

  • ratio - (0-255) where 255 will return the original color and 0 will return black.

Rgb16Color Brighten(uint8_t ratio);

Brighten will return a new color that is blended to white with the given ratio.
NOTE: This is a simple linear change.

  • ratio - (0-255) where 255 will return the original color and 0 will return white.

void Darken(uint8_t delta);

Darken will adjust the color by the given delta toward black.
NOTE: This is a simple linear change.

  • delta - (0-255) the amount to dim the color by.

void Lighten(uint8_t delta);

Lighten will adjust the color by the given delta toward white.
NOTE: This is a simple linear change.

  • delta - (0-255) the amount to lighten the color by.

static Rgb16Color LinearBlend(Rgb16Color left, Rgb16Color right, float progress);

This will blend between two colors by the amount defined by the progress variable.

  • left - the color to start the blend at.
  • right - the color to end the blend at.
  • progress - (0.0f - 1.0f) value where 0.0f will return left and 1.0f will return right and a value between will blend the color weighted linearly between them.
    This is a static function, which means you need to call it scoped to the object class and not an instance like...
    Rgb16Color results = Rgb16Color::LinearBlend(Rgb16Color(255,0,0), Rgb16Color(0,255,0), 0.33f);

static Rgb16Color LinearBlend(Rgb16Color left, Rgb16Color right, uint8_t progress);

This will blend between two colors by the amount defined by the progress variable.

  • left - the color to start the blend at.
  • right - the color to end the blend at.
  • progress - (0 - 255) value where 0 will return left and 255 will return right and a value between will blend the color weighted linearly between them.
    This is a static function, which means you need to call it scoped to the object class and not an instance like...
    Rgb16Color results = Rgb16Color::LinearBlend(Rgb16Color(255,0,0), Rgb16Color(0,255,0), 85);

static Rgb16Color BilinearBlend(Rgb16Color c00, Rgb16Color c01, Rgb16Color c10, Rgb16Color c11, float x, float y);

This will blend between four colors by the amount defined by 2d weighting values.

  • c00 - upper left quadrant color
  • c01 - upper right quadrant color
  • c10 - lower left quadrant color
  • c11 - lower right quadrant color
  • x - unit value (0.0 - 1.0) that defines the blend progress in horizontal space
  • y - unit value (0.0 - 1.0) that defines the blend progress in vertical space


uint8_t operator[](size_t idx)

The index operator allows accessing the R, G, and B properties using an index. There is only read only versions.

   uint8_t green = color[1];
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