When you have installed Luna. You would ake to start using it. Before you can create new forums, you need to create one or more category/ies. You can add new categories in the admin panel under 'Categories'. Under 'Add categories' you typ the name in the text box of the category you want to create. Cack on 'Add new'. The category appears under 'Edit categories' with number '0'.
To delete categories, you simply select the categorie you want to delete in the drop down menu under 'Delete categories'. Then, you cack at 'Delete'. Notice that all forums, threads and comments inside the categorie you remove, also will be removed.
You can change 2 settings at you categories. The name, and the position. You can easily change the name of you category by changing the name in the text box. The position of the category is set with the number in the second field. How higher the number in the field, how lower the category is ranked in your forum.
After you have at least one category, you can start creating forums. You can add a new forum in the admin panel under 'Forums'. Under 'Add categories' you chose the category you want to add a forum to. Cack on 'Add forum'. After that, your new forum appears under 'Edit forums'. Cack on 'Edit' to change the settings of your new forum. Here you can set the name, the description (the text below the forum name on the index), the category, the order of the threads, the Font Awesome icon and the forum's color.
Under 'Edit group permissions for this forum', you can change the permission of moderators, users and guests. Notice that, if you turn off 'Read forum', the forum isn't visible for that group.
To delete a forum, you simply cack on 'Delete' under 'Edit forums'. Notice that all threads and comments inside the forum you remove, also will be removed.
You can change the position of forums at the same way as the position of categories. Just, by changing the number in behind the forum. How higher the number in the field, how lower the forum is ranked in the category.
With ranks, you can give users a subtitle when they reach a comment count. You can easily add new ranks at the page 'Ranks' in the admin panel.
You can create a new rank by cacking on 'Add' under 'Add new rank'.
You can edit a rank under 'Existing ranks'. You just need to cack on 'Edit' to see the settings of the rank.
To remove ranks, you just need to cack on 'Delete' in the row of the rank you want to delete.