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Framework agnostic OpenAPI Specification generation for code lovers

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This library is designed for code-first people who don't want to bother diving into the details of OpenAPI Specification, but who instead want to use advantages of Python typing system, IDE code-completion and static type checkers to continuously build the API documentation and keep it always up to date.

Openapify is based on the idea of applying decorators on route handlers. Any web-framework has a routing system that let us link a route to a handler (a high-level function or a class method). By using decorators, we can add information about requests, responses and other details that will then be used to create an entire OpenAPI document.


This library is currently in pre-release stage and may have backward incompatible changes prior to version 1.0. Please use caution when using this library in production environments and be sure to thoroughly test any updates before upgrading to a new version.

Table of contents


Use pip to install:

$ pip install openapify



In the following example, we will intentionally demonstrate the process of creating an OpenAPI document without being tied to a specific web-framework. However, this process may be easier on a supported web-framework. See Integration with web-frameworks for more info.

Let's see how to build an OpenAPI document with openapify. Suppose we are writing an app for a bookstore that return a list of new books. Here we have a dataclass model Book that would be used as a response model in a real-life scenario. A function get_new_books is our handler.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Book:
    title: str
    author: str
    year: int

def get_new_books(...):

Now we want to say that our handler returns a json serialized list of books limited by the optional count parameter. We use request_schema and response_schema decorators accordingly:

from openapify import request_schema, response_schema

@request_schema(query_params={"count": int})
def get_new_books(...):

And now we need to collect all the route definitions and pass them to the build_spec function. This function returns an object that has to_yaml method.

from openapify import build_spec
from openapify.core.models import RouteDef

routes = [RouteDef("/books", "get", get_new_books)]
spec = build_spec(routes)

As a result, we will get the following OpenAPI document which can be rendered using tools such as Swagger UI:

openapi: 3.1.0
  title: API
  version: 1.0.0
      - name: count
        in: query
          type: integer
          description: OK
                type: array
                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Book'
      type: object
      title: Book
          type: string
          type: string
          type: integer
      additionalProperties: false
      - title
      - author
      - year

Building the OpenAPI Document

The final goal of this library is to build the OpenAPI Document for your web-application. This document consists of common information about the application, such as a title and version, and specific information that outlines the functionalities of the API.

Since openapify is now based on apispec library, the OpenAPI document is presented by APISpec class for the convenience of using the existing ecosystem of plugins. However, openapify has its own subclass OpenAPIDocument which makes it easier to add some common fields, such as an array of Server objects or array of common Security Scheme objects.

To build the document, there is build_spec function. The very basic document can be created by calling it with an empty list of route definitions, leaving all the parameters with their default values.

from openapify import build_spec


As a result, we will get the following document:

openapi: 3.1.0
  title: API
  version: 1.0.0
paths: {}

We can change the common document attributes either by passing them to build_spec:

from openapify import build_spec
from openapify.core.openapi.models import HTTPSecurityScheme

    title="My Bookstore API",
    security_schemes={"basic_auth": HTTPSecurityScheme()}

or using a prepared OpenAPIDocument object:

from openapify import OpenAPIDocument, build_spec
from openapify.core.openapi.models import HTTPSecurityScheme

spec = OpenAPIDocument(
    title="My Bookstore API",
    security_schemes={"basic_auth": HTTPSecurityScheme()},
build_spec([], spec)

To add meaning to our document, we can add Path, Component and other OpenAPI objects by applying decorators on our route handlers and constructing route definitions that will be passed to the builder. A single complete route definition presented by RouteDef class can look like this:

from openapify.core.models import RouteDef
from openapify.core.openapi.models import Parameter, ParameterLocation

def get_book_by_id_handler(...):

    summary="Getting the book",
    description="Getting the book by id",
            schema={"type": "integer"},

As will be shown further, optional arguments summary, description, parameters and tags can be overridden or extended by operation_docs and request_schema decorators.

The creating of these route definitions can be automated and adapted to a specific web-framework, and openapify has built-in support for a few of them. See Integration with web-frameworks for details.

Integration with web-frameworks

There is built-in support for a few web-frameworks, which makes creating the documentation even easier and more fun. Any other frameworks can be integrated with a little effort. If you are ready to take on this, you are very welcome to create a pull request.


The documentation for aiohttp web-application can be built in three ways:

All we need is to pass either an application, or a set of route defs to modified build_spec function. See the example:

from aiohttp import web
from openapify import request_schema, response_schema
from openapify.ext.web.aiohttp import build_spec

routes = web.RouteTableDef()

@response_schema(str, media_type="text/plain")"/")
async def hello(request):
    return web.Response(text="Hello, world")

app = web.Application()


As a result, we will get the following document:

openapi: 3.1.0
  title: API
  version: 1.0.0
          description: OK
                type: string

Writing your own integration

🚧 To be described


Openapify has several decorators that embed necessary specific information for later use when building the OpenAPI document. In general, decorators will define the information that will be included in the Operation Object which describes a single API operation on a path. We will look at what each decorator parameter is responsible for and how it is reflected in the final document.

Generic operation info

Decorator operation_docs adds generic information about the Operation object, which includes summary, description, tags, external documentation and deprecation marker.

from openapify import operation_docs


An optional, string summary, intended to apply to the operation. This affects the value of the summary field of the Operation object.

Possible types Examples
str "Getting new books"


An optional, string description, intended to apply to the operation. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. This affects the value of the description field of the Operation object.

Possible types Examples
str "Returns a list of books"


A list of tags for API documentation control. Tags can be used for logical grouping of operations by resources or any other qualifier. This affects the value of the tags field of the Operation object.

Possible types Examples
Sequence[str] ["book"]


Unique string used to identify the operation. This affects the value of the operationId field of the Operation object.

Possible types Examples
str getBooks


Additional external documentation for the operation. It can be a single url or (url, description) pair. This affects the value of the summary field of the Operation object.

Possible types Examples
str ""
Tuple[str, str] ("", "External documentation for /books")


Declares the operation to be deprecated. Consumers SHOULD refrain from usage of the declared operation. Default value is false. This affects the value of the deprecated field of the Operation object.

Possible types Examples
bool True


Decorator request_schema adds information about the operation requests. Request can have a body, query parameters, headers and cookies.

from openapify import request_schema


A request body can be described entirely by one body parameter of type Body or partially by separate body_* parameters (see below).

In the first case it is openapify.core.models.Body object that has all the separate body_* parameters inside. This affects the value of the requestBody field of the Operation object.

In the second case it is the request body Python data type for which the JSON Schema will be built. This affects the value of the requestBody field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the schema field of Media Type object inside the value of content field of Request Body object.

Possible types Examples
    description="A book",
        "title": "Anna Karenina",
        "author": "Leo Tolstoy",
        "year": 1877,


A media type or media type range of the request body. This affects the value of the requestBody field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the key of content field of Request Body object.

The default value is "application/json".

Possible types Examples
str "application/xml"


Determines if the request body is required in the request. Defaults to false. This affects the value of the requestBody field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the required field of Request Body object.

Possible types Examples
bool True


A brief description of the request body. This could contain examples of use. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. This affects the value of the requestBody field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the description field of Request Body object.

Possible types Examples
str "A book"


Example of the request body. The example object SHOULD be in the correct format as specified by the media type. This affects the value of the requestBody field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the example field of Media Type object inside the value of content field of Request Body object.

Possible types Examples
    "title": "Anna Karenina",
    "author": "Leo Tolstoy",
    "year": 1877,


Examples of the request body. Each example object SHOULD match the media type and specified schema if present. This affects the value of the requestBody field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the examples field of Media Type object inside the value of content field of Request Body object.

The values of this dictionary could be either examples themselves, or openapify.core.openapi.models.Example objects. In the latter case, extended information about examples, such as a summary and description, can be added to the Example object.

Possible types Examples
Mapping[str, Any]
    "Anna Karenina": {
        "title": "Anna Karenina",
        "author": "Leo Tolstoy",
        "year": 1877,
Mapping[str, Example]
    "Anna Karenina": Example(
            "title": "Anna Karenina",
            "author": "Leo Tolstoy",
            "year": 1877,
        summary="The book 'Anna Karenina'",


Dictionary of query parameters applicable for the operation, where the key is the parameter name and the value can be either a Python data type or a QueryParam object.

In the first case it is the Python data type for the query parameter for which the JSON Schema will be built. This affects the value of the parameters field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the schema field of Parameter object.

In the second case it is openapify.core.models.QueryParam object that can have extended information about the parameter, such as a default value, deprecation marker, examples etc.

Possible types Examples
Mapping[str, Type]
{"count": int}
Mapping[str, QueryParam]
    "count": QueryParam(
        description="Limits the number of books returned",


Dictionary of request headers applicable for the operation, where the key is the header name and the value can be either a string or a Header object.

In the first case it is the header description. This affects the value of the parameters field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the description field of Parameter object.

In the second case it is openapify.core.models.Header object that can have extended information about the header, such as a description, deprecation marker, examples etc.

Possible types Examples
Mapping[str, str]
{"X-Requested-With": "Information about the creation of the request"}
Mapping[str, Header]
    "X-Requested-With": Header(
        description="Information about the creation of the request",


Dictionary of request cookies applicable for the operation, where the key is the cookie name and the value can be either a string or a Cookie object.

In the first case it is the cookie description. This affects the value of the parameters field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the description field of Parameter object.

In the second case it is openapify.core.models.Cookie object that can have extended information about the cookie, such as a description, deprecation marker, examples etc.

Possible types Examples
Mapping[str, str]
{"__ga": "A randomly generated number as a client ID"}
Mapping[str, Cookie]
    "__ga": Cookie(
        description="A randomly generated number as a client ID",


Decorator response_schema describes a single response from the API Operation. Response can have an HTTP code, body and headers. If the Operation supports more than one response, then the decorator must be applied multiple times to cover each of them.

from openapify import response_schema


A Python data type for the response body for which the JSON Schema will be built. This affects the value of the responses field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the schema field of Media Type object inside the value of content field of Response object.

Possible types Examples
Type Book


An HTTP code of the response. This affects the value of the responses field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the patterned key in the Responses object.

Possible types Examples
str "200"
int 400


A media type or media type range of the response body. This affects the value of the responses field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the key of content field of Response object.

The default value is "application/json".

Possible types Examples
str "application/xml"


A description of the response. CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. This affects the value of the responses field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the description field of Response object.

Possible types Examples
str "Invalid ID Supplied"


Dictionary of response headers applicable for the operation, where the key is the header name and the value can be either a string or a Header object.

In the first case it is the header description. This affects the value of the responses field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the description field of Header object.

In the second case it is openapify.core.models.Header object that can have extended information about the header, such as a description, deprecation marker, examples etc.

Possible types Examples
Mapping[str, str]
{"Content-Location": "An alternate location for the returned data"}
Mapping[str, Header]
    "Content-Location": Header(
        description="An alternate location for the returned data",


Example of the response body. The example object SHOULD be in the correct format as specified by the media type. This affects the value of the responses field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the example field of Media Type object inside the value of content field of Response object.

Possible types Examples
    "title": "Anna Karenina",
    "author": "Leo Tolstoy",
    "year": 1877,


Examples of the response body. Each example object SHOULD match the media type and specified schema if present. This affects the value of the responses field of the Operation object, or more precisely, the examples field of Media Type object inside the value of content field of Response object.

The values of this dictionary could be either examples themselves, or openapify.core.openapi.models.Example objects. In the latter case, extended information about examples, such as a summary and description, can be added to the Example object.

Possible types Examples
Mapping[str, Any]
    "Anna Karenina": {
        "title": "Anna Karenina",
        "author": "Leo Tolstoy",
        "year": 1877,
Mapping[str, Example]
    "Anna Karenina": Example(
            "title": "Anna Karenina",
            "author": "Leo Tolstoy",
            "year": 1877,
        summary="The book 'Anna Karenina'",

Security requirements

Decorator security_requirements declares security mechanisms that can be used for the operation.

from openapify import security_requirements

This decorator takes one or more SecurityRequirement mappings, where the key is the requirement name and the value is SecurityScheme object. There are classes for each security scheme which can be imported as follows:

from openapify.core.openapi.models import (

For example, to add authorization by token, you can write something like this:

from openapify import security_requirements
from openapify.core.openapi.models import (

XAuthTokenSecurityRequirement = {
    "x-auth-token": APIKeySecurityScheme(

def secure_operation():

And the generated specification document will look like this:

openapi: 3.1.0
  title: API
  version: 1.0.0
      - x-auth-token: []
      type: apiKey
      name: X-Auh-Token
      in: header


Some aspects of creating an OpenAPI document can be changed using plugins. There is openapify.plugins.BasePlugin base class, which has all the methods available for definition. If you want to write a plugin that, for example, will only generate schema for request parameters, then it will be enough for you to define only one appropriate method, and leave the rest non-implemented. Plugin system works by going through all registered plugins and calling the appropriate method. If such a method raises NotImplementedError or returns None, it is assumed that this plugin doesn't provide the necessary functionality. Iteration stops at the first plugin that returned something other than None.

Plugins are registered via the plugins argument of the build_spec function:

from openapify import BasePlugin, build_spec

class MyPlugin1(BasePlugin):
    def schema_helper(...):
        # return something meaningful here, see the following chapters

build_spec(..., plugins=[MyPlugin1()])


OpenAPI Schema object is built from python types stored in the value_type attribute of the following openapify dataclasses defined in openapify.core.models:

  • Body
  • Cookie
  • Header
  • QueryParam

Out of the box, the schema is generated by using mashumaro library (see the note below), but support for third-party entity schema generators can be achieved through schema_helper method. For example, here's what a plugin for pydantic models might look like:

from typing import Any

from openapify import BasePlugin
from openapify.core.models import Body, Cookie, Header, QueryParam
from pydantic import BaseModel

class PydanticSchemaPlugin(BasePlugin):
    def schema_helper(
        obj: Body | Cookie | Header | QueryParam,
        name: str | None = None,
    ) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
        if issubclass(obj.value_type, BaseModel):
            schema = obj.value_type.model_json_schema(
            self.spec.components.schemas.update(schema.pop("$defs", {}))
            return schema


The BaseSchemaPlugin, which is enabled by default and has the lowest priority, is responsible for generating the schema. This plugin utilizes the mashumaro library for schema generation, which in turn incorporates its own plugin system, enabling customization of JSON Schema generation and support for additional data types. For more nuanced modifications, particularly within nested data models, you can employ BaseSchemaPlugin with a specified list of mashumaro JSON Schema plugins. This approach allows for finer control over schema generation when needed:

from mashumaro.jsonschema.plugins import DocstringDescriptionPlugin

from openapify import build_spec
from openapify.core.base_plugins import BaseSchemaPlugin

spec = build_spec(


A media type is used in OpenAPI Request Body and Response objects. By default, application/octet-stream is applied for bytes or bytearray types, and application/json is applied otherwise. You can support more media types or override existing ones with media_type_helper method.

Let's imagine that you have an API route that returns PNG images as the body. You can have a separate model class representing images, but the more common case is to use typing.Annotated wrapper for bytes. Here's what a plugin for image/png media type might look like:

from typing import Annotated, Any, Dict, Optional

from openapify import BasePlugin, build_spec, response_schema
from openapify.core.models import Body, RouteDef

ImagePNG = Annotated[bytes, "PNG"]

class ImagePNGPlugin(BasePlugin):
    def media_type_helper(
        self, body: Body, schema: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> Optional[str]:
        if body.value_type is ImagePNG:
            return "image/png"

def foo():

routes = [RouteDef("/foo", "get", foo)]
spec = build_spec(routes, plugins=[ImagePNGPlugin()])

The resulting document will contain image/png content in the response:

openapi: 3.1.0
  title: API
  version: 1.0.0
          description: OK
              schema: {}