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Certes ACME Client

NuGet NuGet

Travis AppVeyor AppVeyor codecov

Certes is a client implementation for the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol, build on .NET Core. It is aimed to provide a easy to use API for managing certificates using scripts during build process.

Get Certified in 5 Minutes

Install .NET Core

Download the latest release, and extract the files

Run these commands to start the authorization process

    # Create new registration on LE, and accept terms of services
    certes register --email --agree-tos

    # Initialize authorization for host name(s)
    certes authz --v #--v --v

    # Show the http-01 key authorization for specified host name(s)
    certes authz --key-authz http-01 --v #--v --v

Make changes to your site so that it serves the key authorization string on the well know path.

  • The key authorization string consists of the token and the thumbprint of the registration key, in form of <token>.<thumbprint>
  • You can simply save the key authorization string in a text file, and upload it to<token>
  • For testing purposes, if you are hosting an ASP.NET Core app, you can add the following to Configure method of Startup class
        app.Map("/.well-known/acme-challenge", sub =>
            sub.Run(async context =>
                var path = context.Request.Path.ToUriComponent();
                if (path?.Length > 1 && path.StartsWith("/"))
                    context.Response.ContentType = "plain/text";
                    await context.Response.WriteAsync($"{path.Substring(1)}.<thumbprint>");

Continue the authorization process and generate the certificate

    # Complete the http-01 challenge
    certes authz --complete-authz http-01 --v #--v --v

    # Check the challenge status, wait until it becomes "valid"
    certes authz --refresh http-01 --v #--v --v

    # Create a certificate with the distinguished name, and additional SAN names
    certes cert --name mycert --distinguished-name "C=CA, ST=Ontario, L=Toronto, O=Certes, OU=Dev," #--v --v

    # Export the certificate in DER
    certes cert --name mycert --export-cer ./mycert.cer

    # Export the certificate's private key in PEM
    certes cert --name mycert --export-key ./mycert.key

    # Export the certificate with private key in PFX
    certes cert --name mycert --export-pfx ./mycert.pfx --password abcd1234

    # Revoke the certificate
    certes cert --name mycert --revoke

Install the certificate on your host server.


  • Append --server to the commands for testing again LE staging server.
  • By default, the account and contextual data are saved in data.json, use --path option to change the location.

Get Started

You can get Certes by grabbing the latest NuGet package.

using (var client = new AcmeClient(WellKnownServers.LetsEncrypt))
    // Create new registration
    var account = await client.NewRegistraton("mailto:[email protected]");

    // Accept terms of services
    account.Data.Agreement = account.GetTermsOfServiceUri();
    account = await client.UpdateRegistration(account);

    // Initialize authorization
    var authz = await client.NewAuthorization(new AuthorizationIdentifier
        Type = AuthorizationIdentifierTypes.Dns,
        Value = ""

    // Comptue key authorization for http-01
    var httpChallengeInfo = authz.Data.Challenges.First(c => c.Type == ChallengeTypes.Http01);
    var keyAuthString = client.ComputeKeyAuthorization(httpChallengeInfo);

    // Or compute DNS reccord TXT value
    var dnsChallengeInfo = authz.Data.Challenges.First(c => c.Type == ChallengeTypes.Dns01);
    var dnsTxtValue = client.ComputeDnsValue(dnsChallengeInfo);
    // Do something to fullfill the challenge,
    // e.g. upload key auth string to well known path, or make changes to DNS

    // Info ACME server to validate the identifier
    var httpChallenge = await client.CompleteChallenge(httpChallengeInfo);
    var dnsChallenge = await client.CompleteChallenge(dnsChallengeInfo);

    // Check authorization status (use the proper challenge to check Authorization State)
    authz = await client.GetAuthorization(httpChallenge.Location); // or dnsChallenge.Location
    while (authz.Data.Status == EntityStatus.Pending)
        // Wait for ACME server to validate the identifier
        await Task.Delay(10000);
        authz = await client.GetAuthorization(httpChallenge.Location);

    if (authz.Data.Status == EntityStatus.Valid)
        // Create certificate
        var csr = new CertificationRequestBuilder();
        csr.AddName("CN", "");
        var cert = await client.NewCertificate(csr);

        // Export Pfx
        var pfxBuilder = cert.ToPfx();
        var pfx = pfxBuilder.Build("my-free-cert", "abcd1234");
        File.WriteAllBytes("./my-free-cert.pfx", pfx);

        // Revoke certificate
        await client.RevokeCertificate(cert);

Read more about the supported ACME flows.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

Also check the changelog to see what's we are working on.