diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index afaff824add..a3a7d01c3e8 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -168,6 +168,12 @@ runlocal-rp: ci-rp podman-secrets --secret proxy.crt,target=/app/secrets/proxy.crt \ $(LOCAL_ARO_RP_IMAGE):$(VERSION): rp +.PHONY: runlocal-rp-the-old-way +runlocal-rp-the-old-way: + @printf "\e[31mIf you're running this instead of runlocal-rp because that's broken, there's probably a problem blocking the whole team. Has a Slack thread been started, and an owner assigned to fix it? Could it be you?\e[0m\n" + @sleep 5 + go run -ldflags "-X github.com/Azure/ARO-RP/pkg/util/version.GitCommit=$(VERSION)" ./cmd/aro rp + .PHONY: az az: pyenv . pyenv/bin/activate && \