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Getting RUMBA32 Up & Running

Chris Barr edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 17 revisions

The Arduino IDE is no longer the recommended way to compile and upload Marlin to these boards, and you will likely encounter problems trying to do so. It is now recommended to use PlatformIO. Please refer to the instructions on the Firmware Upload (Marlin & PlatformIO) page.

Table of contents

  1. Install Arduino IDE & STM32duino Core
  2. Test Uploading
  3. Configure Marlin

1. Install Arduino IDE & STM32duino Core

Follow the steps on the STM32duino wiki here. This covers installing the Arduino IDE, and installing the STM32duino core.

Be sure to follow the steps to install the STM32CubeProgrammer - it is necessary to upload to the RUMBA32 board.

2. Test Uploading to RUMBA32

Run through the steps on the Uploading Sketch page and check that you are able to successfully compile and upload to your board.

3. Configure Marlin

RUMBA32 is supported by the latest version of Marlin bugfix-2.0.

  1. Download Marlin bugfix-2.0 and extract it somewhere you can access the files.
  2. Open Marlin in the Arduino IDE.
  3. In Tools, set the following options:
    • Board: 3D printer boards
    • Board part number: RUMBA32
    • U(S)ART support: Enabled (generic 'Serial')
    • USB support (if available): CDC (no generic 'Serial')
    • USB speed (if available): Low/Full Speed
    • Optimize: Smallest (-Os default)
    • C Runtime Library: Newlib Nano (default)
    • Upload method: DFU Upload
  4. Select the Configuration.h file:
    • Change #define SERIAL_PORT 0 to #define SERIAL_PORT -1
  5. Make any other changes to the Marlin configuration as necessary (i.e. printer-specific configuration, dimensions, speeds, etc.)
  6. Compile and upload. Compiling may take a minute or two, particularly the first time you are compiling Marlin for RUMBA32.
    • If you have trouble uploading, check the info in the Test Uploading section for troubleshooting.
  7. After uploading, RUMBA32 should be running Marlin and will connect as a COM port. You should be able to access RUMBA32 from your host software (Simplify3D, Pronterface, Cura, Octoprint, etc.) as usual.

If you can not connect to RUMBA32 from your host program, see the COM Port Troubleshooting page.