How to use: python3
creates a custom classifier for Fashion MNIST
It loads the dataset with the Keras API: keras.datasets.fashion_mnist.load_data()
. It returns grayscale images of size 28x28 and the corresponding lables, 60000 samples for training and 10000 for testing.
Model architecture: it's a sequential model with the following layers:
: input shape = 28x28Reshape
: target shape = 28x28x1Convolution
: 12 filters, kernel size = 3x3, activation ReLUMax pooling
: pool size 2x2Flatten
: to transform the data into a 1xN-dimensional vectorFully connected
: 128 neurons, activation ReLUFully connected
: 10 neurons, activation softmax to get the 10 classes' probability score
Tests results:
Base model avarage accuracy: 0.8963 (89.63%)
Pruned model avarage accuracy: 0.8945 (89.45%)
Base model avarage evaluation time with 10000 samples: 0.6029 s
Pruned model avarage evaluation time with 10000 samples: 0.2979 s
How to use: python3
[--mode {create, prune, evaluate}]
-m --mode
: import ResNet50 from Keras.applications and load it with pretrained imagenet weights. Then it adds some layer to adapt the model for performing classifications on cifar10prune
: load model (it must be already created and saved) and prune it. Then it performs a comparison with the base modelevaluate
: load the model (it must be already created and saved) and evaluate it
The base ResNet50 is created using the Keras API resnet = applications.ResNet50(include_top=False, weights='imagenet')
, but then the model needs to be adapted to perform classifications on CIFAR10
, so the following layers are added after ResNet50's output:
: to transform the data into a 1xN-dimensional vectorBatchNormalization
Fully connected
: 128 neurons, activation ReLUDropout
: 50%BatchNormalization
Fully connected
: 64 neurons, activation ReLUDropout
: 50%BatchNormalization
Fully connected
: 64 neurons, activation softmax to get the 10 classes' probability score
This was actually one alternative, the second one is commented on the source file, check it in
(link to the specific lines)
Pruning: it's done only on convolutional and fully connected layers with a constant sparsity target of 50%.
This is made possible by cloning the model with a specific "clone function" that returns a "prunable layer" in case it was a conv or FC one, otherwise it simply returns the layer as it is.
pruned_model = tf.keras.models.clone_model(model, clone_function =
Tests results:
Base model avarage accuracy: 0.8123 (81.23%)
Pruned model avarage accuracy: 0.8001 (80.01%)
Base model avarage evaluation time with 10000 samples: 5.2928 s
Pruned model avarage evaluation time with 10000 samples: 4.2747 s